Microsoft Assembler Download

Assembles and links one or more assembly-language source files. The command-line options are case-sensitive. For more information on ml64.exe, see MASM for x64 (ml64.exe). The Microsoft Macro Assembler (MASM) version 5.1A (MASM.EXE). The Microsoft MAKE and LINK programs that come with MASM (MAKE.EXE, LINK.EXE). Run make Makefile.mas to assemble the files. This currently just builds GWBASIC.EXE. Note the tools may leave behind partly-built executables or object files.


Assembles and links one or more assembly-language source files. The command-line options are case-sensitive.

For more information on ml64.exe, see MASM for x64 (ml64.exe).


ML [options] filename [ [options] filename]

ML64 [options] filename [ [options] filename] ... [/link link_options]


The options listed in the following table.

/ATEnables tiny-memory-model support. Enables error messages for code constructs that violate the requirements for .com format files. This option isn't equivalent to the .MODELTINY directive.
Not available in ml64.exe.
/BlfilenameSelects an alternate linker.
/cAssembles only. Does no linking.
/coffGenerates common object file format (COFF) type of object module. Required for Win32 assembly language development.
Not available in ml64.exe.
/CpPreserves case of all user identifiers.
/CuMaps all identifiers to upper case (default).
Not available in ml64.exe.
/CxPreserves case in public and extern symbols.
/Dsymbol⟦=valueDefines a text macro with the given name. If value is missing, it's blank. Multiple tokens separated by spaces must be enclosed in quotation marks.
/EPGenerates a preprocessed source listing (sent to STDOUT). See /Sf.
/ERRORREPORT [ NONE | PROMPT | QUEUE | SEND ]Deprecated. Error reporting is controlled by Windows Error Reporting (WER) settings.
/FhexnumSets stack size to hexnum bytes (the same as /link /STACK:number). The value must be expressed in hexadecimal notation. There must be a space between /F and hexnum.
/FefilenameNames the executable file.
/FlfilenameGenerates an assembled code listing. See /Sf.
/FmfilenameCreates a linker map file.
/FofilenameNames an object file. For more information, see Remarks.
/FPiGenerates emulator fix-ups for floating-point arithmetic (mixed language only).
Not available in ml64.exe.
/FrfilenameGenerates a source browser .sbr file.
/FRfilenameGenerates an extended form of a source browser .sbr file.
/GcSpecifies use of FORTRAN- or Pascal-style function calling and naming conventions. Same as OPTION LANGUAGE:PASCAL.
Not available in ml64.exe.
/GdSpecifies use of C-style function calling and naming conventions. Same as OPTION LANGUAGE:C.
Not available in ml64.exe.
/GZSpecifies use of __stdcall function calling and naming conventions. Same as OPTION LANGUAGE:STCALL.
Not available in ml64.exe.
/HnumberRestricts external names to number significant characters. The default is 31 characters.
Not available in ml64.exe.
/helpCalls QuickHelp for help on ML.
/IpathnameSets path for include file. A maximum of 10 /I options is allowed.
/nologoSuppresses messages for successful assembly.
/omfGenerates object module file format (OMF) type of object module. /omf implies /c; ML.exe doesn't support linking OMF objects.
Not available in ml64.exe.
/SaTurns on listing of all available information.
/safesehMarks the object as either containing no exception handlers or containing exception handlers that are all declared with .SAFESEH.
Not available in ml64.exe.
/SfAdds first-pass listing to listing file.
/SlwidthSets the line width of source listing in characters per line. Range is 60 to 255 or 0. Default is 0. Same as PAGE width.
/SnTurns off symbol table when producing a listing.
/SplengthSets the page length of source listing in lines per page. Range is 10 to 255 or 0. Default is 0. Same as PAGE length.
/SstextSpecifies text for source listing. Same as SUBTITLE text.
/SttextSpecifies title for source listing. Same as TITLE text.
/SxTurns on false conditionals in listing.
/TafilenameAssembles source file whose name doesn't end with the .asm extension.
/wSame as /W0/WX.
/WlevelSets the warning level, where level = 0, 1, 2, or 3.
/WXReturns an error code if warnings are generated.
/XIgnore INCLUDE environment path.
/ZdGenerates line-number information in object file.
/ZfMakes all symbols public.
/ZiGenerates CodeView information in object file.
/ZmEnablesM510 option for maximum compatibility with MASM 5.1.
Not available in ml64.exe.
/ZpalignmentPacks structures on the specified byte boundary. The alignment can be 1, 2, or 4.
/ZsPerforms a syntax check only.
/?Displays a summary of ML command-line syntax.

The name of the file.

The link options. For more information, see Linker options.


Some command-line options to ML and ML64 are placement-sensitive. For example, because ML and ML64 can accept several /c options, any corresponding /Fo options must be specified before /c. The following command-line example illustrates an object file specification for each assembly file specification:

Environment Variables

INCLUDESpecifies search path for include files.
MLSpecifies default command-line options.
TMPSpecifies path for temporary files.

See also

ML Error Messages
Microsoft Macro Assembler Reference

Emu8086 is a shareware software app filed under programming software and made available by EMU8086 for Windows.

The review for Emu8086 has not been completed yet, but it was tested by an editor here on a PC.

Masm download for windows 10

If you would like to submit a review of this software download, we welcome your input and encourage you to submit us something!

Emu8086 is a Microprocessor Emulator with an integrated 8086 Assembler and Free Tutorial....

Emu8086 is a Microprocessor Emulator with an integrated 8086 Assembler and Free Tutorial. Emulator runs programs on a Virtual Machine, it emulates real hardware, such as screen, memory and input/output devices.Compability and license

This download is licensed as shareware for the Windows operating system from programming software and can be used as a free trial until the trial period ends (after an unspecified number of days). The Emu8086 - Microprocessor Emulator and 8086 Assembl 4.08 demo is available to all software users as a free download with potential restrictions and is not necessarily the full version of this software.

Microsoft Assembler Masm Free Download

Compatibility with this software may vary, but will generally run fine under Microsoft Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 7, Windows Vista and Windows XP on either a 32-bit or 64-bit setup. A separate x64 version may be available from Emu8086.

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Microsoft Macro Assembler Download

  1. Emu8086 Download