Brihat Nakshatra Pdf

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The Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra (abbreviated to BPHS) is a foundational compilation of Original text (in Sanskrit) बृहत्पाराशरहोराशास्त्र; Translations online (in English) [ Brihat. बृहत्पाराशरहोराशास्त्र. Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra. Parashara’s Vedic Horoscopy. Translation and commentary by Dan Nelson. In I was able to find a Sanskrit translations of the ​Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra I mentor to teach me Sanskrit until about mid consulted were the.

The Brihat Jataka of Varahamihira. Very good product, delivered on time. To get the free app, enter mobile phone number. Makha – Nakshatra Samhita – Brihat Jataka is considered a standard textbook on Vedic astrology2 and sometimes described as “India’s foremost astrological text”. Dec 02, 2019 Buy Brihat Nakshatra at Jyotish Sagar Teardrop, diamond, a human head Rigvedic name: Brinat of the reason why ancient early Indian astronomers followed a Vedic calendar of exactly 12 months of 30 days it was this calendar and not a modern calendar of days that they used for the astronomical calculations for the number of days taken for the Moon.

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Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra: Effects of the First House | Michael D Neely –

Barring Chandr, if a grah among Mangal etc. If Sanskriit is in Gaman Avastha, the native will be endowed with many sons, and abundant wealth; he will be scholarly, virtuous, charitable, and he will be excellent among men. Additionally it gives the effects of each house lord in each house. The native will be penniless if Lagn’s lord is in Vyaya Bhava, while Vyaya’s lord is in Lagn along with the lord of a Marak a death inflicting grah or receives a drishti from such a grah.

One born in Chakr Yog will be an emperor at whose feet will be the prostrating kings heads adoring gem studded diadems. In case of three different indications if Chandr is in Lagn or Yuvati Bhava, then, the one indicated by the Shani-Chandr pair will only come to pass. Surya in Bhojan Avastha in Dharm Bhava will cause many hindrances to spiritual and religious undertakings.

Should Briihat be in Agam Avastha the native will serve base men and gain wealth thereby; and he will have two sons and one fame bringing daughter.

Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra

The bhavas occupied by a grah in Kshudhit Avastha or in Kshobhit Avastha are destroyed. You have narrated various kinds of longevity computations. If a grah is in its exaltation rashi, it is in Dipt Avastha; if a grah is in its own rashi, it is in Swasth Avastha, if a grah is in a great friend’s rashi, it is in Pramudit Avastha; if a grah is in a friendly rashi, it is in Shanta Avastha; if a grah is in a neutral rashi, it is in Din Avastha; if a grah is yuti with a malefic, it is in Vikal Avastha; if a grah is in an enemy’s rashi, it is in Duhkhit Avastha; if a grah is in a great enemy’s rashi it is in Khal Avastha; and if a grah is being eclipsed by Surya, it is in Kop Avastha.

Again, a Raj Yog is formed if Ari’s, Randhr’s, and Vyaya’s lords are in fall or in inimical rashis, or in combustion, as Lagn’s lord placed in his other own rashi or in its exaltation rashi gives a drishti to Lagn. Please help to maintain respect for volunteer spirit.

Chapter 36 Many Other Yogas Agni is the symbol of brightness and brilliance, all weapons with fire-power. If Ari, Randhr, and Sahaj Bhava are occupied by debilitated grahas as Lagn’s lord is exalted, or is in his other own Bhava, and gives a drishti to Lagn, there is a Raj Yog.

Pafashara are all Hindi editions.

These texts are prepared parashaga volunteers and are to be used for personal study and research. Here the grah means the one for whom the sub state is being known.

There is no doubt in it. Should the lord of Bandhu Bhava, or of Karm Bhava join either the Putr’s lord or Dharm’s lord, the native will obtain a kingdom. Even if a single grah gives a drishti to paradhara natal Lagn or Hora Lagn or Ghatik Lagn, the native will become a king.

Should Mangal be in Lagn identical with his own rashi and be yuti with or receiving a drishti from Buddh, Shukr, and Shani, the native will be rich. I call for aid to the… Read More.


Brihat Parashara Hora Sashtra by Rishi Parashara ( Pages )

Long life will follow if Lagn is a dual rashi, while Lagn’s lord is in a Kendr, or in exaltation, or in a Kon. If Chandr is in Sabh Avastha, the native will be eminent among men, honoured by kings, and kings of kings; he will be very beautiful, will subdue the passion of women and he will be skilful in sansrit acts; he will snskrit virtuous.

Asceticism is yet another attribute of this star. Be kind enough to throw light on Marakas or killers. The lord of it is Sukra, the symbol a Cart drawn by Cows.

Nakshatra based Dasas, such as Vimshottari Dasa, plus many others, are more extensively dealt with in Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra than in any other text and it is quite likely that Parashara was the original disseminator of Nakshatra Dasas.

Shani and Buddh are killers. Lord is Sukra, the deity is the Wind and because of this latter factor this causes the attributes of the Wind.

doc_z_misc_sociology_astrology related Sanskrit Documents in Devanagari script

It extends from Mesa Also, at the same time parawhara poetry enthralled the whole world. If Guru is in Agaman Avastha, serving force, excellent women, and the goddess of wealth will never leave the native’s abode.

Auspicious are Guru and Surya. The sub state in the said Avastha can be found out in the following way: If Surya sankrit in Gaman Avastha, the native will incur disease of the feet and he will be very mean.

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बृहत्पाराशरहोराशास्त्र. Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra. Parashara’s Vedic Horoscopy. Translation and commentary by Dan Nelson. The book titled Brihat Parashara Hora Sastra in English in PDF format. Brihat Parashara Hora Sashtra by Rishi Parashara. Jupiter has a big body, tawny hair and tawny eyes, is phlegmatic, intelligent and learned in Shastras.

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It is written as a recorded dialogue between the Rishi Parashara and his disciple Maitreya. Parashara was the father of Vyasa, Vyasa being the esteemed composer of the Mahabharata, Srimad Bhagavatam and the Bhagavad Gita, in addition to which he is credited with having compiled and scribed the Vedas.

And Parashara was his father. Maitreya was himself an exalted Rishi and is referred to throughout the text as Twice Born, Wise and other such names exemplifying his spiritual status. Being a dialogue between two such great souls, the brilliance of Parashara”s astrological text comes as no surprise.

The question and the mystery, however, is whether Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra is actually a work of Parashara. The origins of Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra are controversial. Many Sanskrit scholars are of the opinion that it is a relatively modern text, post AD, which is actually a compilation of texts that had come before it and that it is written in the colorful style of the dialogue between Parashara and Maitreya, though no such dialogue actually took place.

Scholars hold this view on account of the fact that the Sanskrit style in which it is written is not that of age of the Mahabharata. Additionally, there is certainly evidence of compilation in the version available to us at this time, which will be discussed shortly.


Most Astrologers, however, are inclined to believe, with religious fervor, that Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra is from the time of the Mahabharata, for in the text Parashara makes mention of a planetary combination that the current emperor, Yudhishthira, the emperor at the time of the Mahabharata, supposedly possessed.

In my opinion, the truth in this matter most likely lies somewhere in the middle. In order to explain this I must first explain what techniques Brihat Parashara Hora Parasjara consists of and the nature of the currently available version of Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra. The shasfra astrological scholar and writer in the 10th century was Bhattotpala. Bhattotpala made extensive commentaries of the important astrological texts of his time, wrote his own texts and was certainly the most learned astrologer of his day.

In his commentaries he wrote that though he had heard of Brihat Parashara Hora Shastrahe had parasharx seen it.

Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra – Vedic Astrology Article |

Thus we know it was lost for at least nine hundred years. My opinion is that it has been lost for at least 1, years as none of the texts written in the previous centuries fully contain the mathematical and systematic principles found in Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra. The available version of Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra was compiled and rewritten in the 19th century by a scholar who visited many Pundits in an attempt to scrape the text together, after having been lost for so many centuries.

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It is because it has been rewritten that the Sanskrit does not have the flavor of the Sanskrit from the era during which it was most likely originally composed. On account of it having been recompiled and rewritten, we have to approach the text with a careful eye for it is quite likely that mistakes have crept in and that parts may have been added which do not actually belong.

The available version of Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra consists of ten distinct shastga parts:. Five groups of Avasthas – Planetary Conditions necessary for making predictions. Rasi-based techniques paraahara Dasas that are similar to those which are found in Jaimini”s Upadesa Sutras.

Of the first mentioned portion, that of the descriptions of Grahas, Rasis, Bhavas and Vargas, the descriptions found in Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra are more complete as well as more accurate than those found in any other available astrological text. This is especially true in the context of Vargas.

This inclines me to believe that these parts are attributable to Parashara. Without these no precise predictions are possible. With these, the astrologer can make hairline predictions and even state the degree of ups and downs, gains and loss, or growth and decay that is experienced.

The five groups of Avasthas planetary conditions are found nowhere else. Some texts do, however, provide a few of the groups, but only Parashara covers all five. Only Parashara is complete.

These combined with the mathematical techniques and the directions given throughout the text provide a perfect system of predictive astrology. This system, in my opinion, can only be from Parashara, as it dwarfs all other techniques found in any of the other classical texts such as Brihat JatakaJataka ParijataPhaladeepikaetc, bfihat at best only hint at the techniques without providing any methodological or scientifically replicable techniques.

After working with the techniques provided in Brihat Parashara Hora Shastraas well as the techniques provided in other texts and by other astrologers, it is my tested opinion that these techniques are the backbone of true Parashara style astrology. My reason for stating this is that they are all too often at variance with what is given in Upadesa Sutras or miss an important point that is provided in Upadesa Sutras with the result that the techniques as given in Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra simply do not work effectively whereas the precise methods in Upadesa Sutras do.

These parts in Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra are better ignored. If one wishes to learn the Rasi based techniques they must turn their attention to Jaimini’s Upadesa Sutrasa proper and useful translation of which is as of yet unavailable. Many of the Yogas found in Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra are commonly found in other astrological texts, except for the unique Bhava Lords Effects Chapter ” the effects of each Bhava lord in each Bhava, which are not a common mark of other texts.

It is quite likely that these Bhava Yogas are attributed to Parashara as his system deals extensively with this aspect of astrology. With regards to the other Yogas it is difficult to ascertain. Were they taken from an older version of Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra by the authors of other ancient texts or were they accidentally included in the available version nora Brihat Hofa Hora Shastra?

The Nabhasa Yogas and the important named Yogas such as Gajakesari Yoga are clear and work parashada practice, so we can apply them with confidence even without knowing to whom they are attributable.

The Raja Yogas given in Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra are, to a large degree, corruptions of that which is given in Upadesa Sutrasso it is better to turn to Upadesa Sutras for those.

In conclusion, while some of the Yogas outside the Bhava Yogas giving the Effects of the Bhava Lords may briuat original to Brihat Parashara Hora Shastrathey are not unique to it and are found in many other texts as well.

More must be said in the context of the Bhava Yogas given by Brihat Shastda Hora Shastra as they are very unique in the astrological literature. Other texts give the effects of planets in signs and planets in houses ” these effects are hit and miss since they do not evaluate the planet in question. Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra does not attempt such a foolish thing; rather it gives perfect mathematical techniques and Avasthas which allow the astrologer to determine with exactness the effects of a planet in a brrihat or in a house.

Additionally it gives the effects of each house lord in each house. These effects are important in the context of the larger predictive method presented parazhara Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra and thus must be unique and original to the work. Nakshatra based Dasas, such as Vimshottari Dasa, plus many others, shatra more extensively dealt with in Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra than in any other text and it is quite likely that Parashara was the original disseminator of Nakshatra Dasas.

The Most anciently dated texts that I have seen, which date from AD do not contain Vimshottari Dasas or other Nakshatra based Dasas, which supports Parashara as being the founder of Nakshatra Dasas. Less antiquated texts, such as Phaladeepika and J ataka Parijita do instruct in Vimshottari Dasa and are modeled after Brihat Parashara Hora Shastrathough they do not come close to its completeness and perfection.

Ashtakavarga, an involved system of transit effects, is found in many, many other texts over the past two millennia and as such we can no more be sure if these are unique to Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra or not. Sudarshana Chakra, reading the horoscope simultaneously from the Lagna, Sun and Moon, is dealt with more extensively in Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra than in other texts. Parashara even states that he learned the technique directly from Brahma.

Sudarshana Chakra is a simple method of determining the general welfare of a person. The extensively of the technique appears to be quite unique to Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra. The propitiations of the Grahas and remedies from inauspicious births are not a normal feature of astrological texts and may be attributable to Parashara, or they may only be appendages of what is common knowledge to the Indian priest.

They are, however, of use and certainly unique to astrological texts. Chapters on determining characteristics from an individual”s body are not unique to astrological texts with many texts devoting time to this very useful subject. Whether it is original to Parashara or not there is no way of ascertaining. However, much of what is given in Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra in this context has been found more useful and more accurate than that found in other astrological texts.

In conclusion, brihar does appear unique to Parashara and what is certainly the most important part if not the gist of Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra are:. The five groups of Avasthas: These together with the Nakshatra Dasas given in Brihat Parashara Hhora Shastra are a perfect system for predicting events.

Sounds wonderful, does it not? Then why do we not find astrologers engaged in practicing these techniques? Why do you not come across astrologers using Parashara’s Avasthas? Because there is a catch. Parashara gives all the calculations, he gives all the conditions, he gives all the effects of a Bhava lord in a Bhava, he even gives the directions. However, he does not tell us which direction to use with what mathematical calculation. He does not tell us which Avastha to use with which direction or with which mathematical calculation.

Brihat Nakshatra Pdf English

Basically, he does not tell us how to put it all together. Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra has left us with the remains of the astrology of the higher ages, the astrology practiced at the time of Krishna and Arjuna, the astrology which has not been practiced in its full glory for 2, years or more, but he does not give it freely.

Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra

He gives the perfect ingredients, but we are left to figure out how to combine the ingredients – and that is no easy task. It is a time consuming task that requires every bit of the astrologer’s devotion, his mind must dwell upon it always, he must practically try and test every moment that he is not contemplating the subject, and he must do that for years.

Myself, it took twelve years of study, contemplation, trial and error, and more of the same to understand these principles set forth in Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra before being able to work them into the precise system of prediction that Parashara intended.

The task was further made difficult on account of controversies and ambiguities in the calculations of Nakshatras, Rasis, Ayanamsa, Planetary War and certain Vargas, many of which are being calculated with some or even great error, which all had to be worked out as well. In practicing a truly scientific astrology, such as laid forth by Parashara, accurate calculations are essential. Much more essential then they are for the astrologer who simply counsels with common sense and uses his perceptive ability with a few loose techniques to make his predictions.

Most astrologers, in fact, rely on their perceptive ability. The great astrologer of the 20th century, BV Raman, himself had nothing unique to teach, not even to his own children. His instruction, “If you want to be a good astrologer, meditate. But when it comes to astrology as a measured and mathematical science, then we must turn to Parashara. A great deal of the information available here at www. I am currently occupied in writing a series of books detailing and instructing in all these principles of Parashara.

Brihat Nakshatra Pdf Free

The first book, Graha Sutrasis available already. The available version of Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra consists of ten distinct major parts: Descriptions of Grahas, Rasis, Bhavas and Vargas the basics. Nakshatra Dasas and their interpretation. Propitiations and remedies for inauspicious births. Determining a person’s nature and character from their body parts.

In conclusion, what does appear unique to Parashara and what is certainly the most important part if not the gist of Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra are: Its descriptions of the Grahas, Rasis, Bhavas and Vargas. The Bhava Yogas detailing the effects of each Bhava lord in each Bhava.

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